Power Play.


Power Play.

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Fiona Carson has proven herself as CEO of a multibillion-dollar high-tech company – a successful woman in a man's world. Devoted single mother, world-class strategist, and tough negotiator, Fiona has to manage a delicate balancing act every day.
Meanwhile, Marshall Weston basks in the fruits of his achievements. At his side is his wife Liz who has gladly sacrificed her own career to raise their three children. Smooth, shrewd and irreproachable, Marshall's power only enhances his charisma – but he harbors secrets that could destroy his life at any moment.
Both must face their own demons, and the lives they lead come at a high price. But just how high a price are they willing to pay to stay at the top of their game?


  • Format:10x170 mm
  • Liczba stron:432
  • Oprawa:miękka
  • ISBN-13:9780552165877
  • Data wydania:22 czerwiec 2015
  • Numer katalogowy:323773

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