Hippo Owns Up. A book about telling the Truth


Hippo Owns Up. A book about telling the Truth

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Its a sign of strong character to own up to what youve done. Telling the truth isnt always easy, but its the right thing to do. In this entertaining fictional story, Hippo discovers the importance of being truthful, teaching young readers a lesson in values and virtues. This relatable story is followed by questions designed to allow readers to think more deeply about the text and apply it to their own lives. Charming illustrations fill each page as readers explore the colorful world of Hippo, his friends, and the lessons they learn.


  • Format:195x240 mm
  • Liczba stron:30
  • Oprawa:miękka
  • ISBN-13:9781445164168
  • Data wydania:2016
  • Numer katalogowy:505516

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