All The Blood We Share.


All The Blood We Share.

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The winds shift nervously on the isolated plain, whispering of travellers lost and buried, whispering of witches.
At first the townspeople of Cherryvale welcome the beautiful young medium, Kate Bender and her family. No one knows about their other business, the shortcut to a better life. They're careful. It's only from those who travel alone, and who can easily disappear, that the Benders demand their pound of flesh.
But even a gifted seer like Kate can make a misstep. Now, as the secrets festering beneath the family orchard threaten to bring them all to ruin, the Benders must sharped their craft - or vanish themselves.


  • Format:130x200 mm
  • Liczba stron:360
  • Oprawa:miękka
  • ISBN-13:9781405945479
  • Data wydania:14 wrzesień 2023
  • Numer katalogowy:576429

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